Concentric Advisors Interview Questions: Ace Your Interview

Concentric Advisors is a boutique investment bank. They offer advice to clients in various industries. If you want to join this firm, you need to prepare well for the interview.

Getting a job at Concentric Advisors can change your career. The interview process is tough. But don’t worry. This article will give you the tools to succeed. We’ll show you how to stand out from other candidates.

This article will cover common interview questions at Concentric Advisors. We’ll also explain their interview process. You’ll learn about technical questions, behavioral questions, and case studies. By the end, you’ll feel ready to face any question they throw at you.

Understand the Interview Process

Concentric Advisors has a thorough interview process. It’s designed to test your skills and fit for the company. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare better.

  1. Resume Screening

The first step is to resume screening. Concentric Advisors will look at your resume carefully. They want to see if your skills and experience match what they need. 

Make sure your resume is clear and highlights your relevant experience. Use strong action words to describe your achievements. If you’ve worked on any finance projects or internships, make sure to include them.

  1. Phone or Video Screening

If your resume impresses them, you’ll get a phone or video call. This is usually done by someone from HR or a junior employee. They’ll ask about your background and why you want to work at Concentric Advisors. 

Be ready to explain your interest in investment banking. They’ll also check your communication skills. Speak clearly and show enthusiasm for the role.

  1. Technical Interview

The technical interview is where things get more challenging. You’ll face questions about finance and investment banking. They might ask you to explain financial concepts or recent market trends. 

Be ready to solve problems on the spot. Practice explaining complex ideas in simple terms. Show that you understand the industry and can think critically.

  1. Case Study or Modeling Test

Many candidates face a case study or modeling test. This is your chance to show how you’d handle real work situations. You should analyze a company or build a financial model. 

Take your time and explain what you think as you work. Feel free to ask for clarification if you need it. This step shows how you apply your knowledge to practical problems.

  1. Final Round Interviews

If you make it to the final round, you’ll meet with senior staff or partners. These interviews are more in-depth. They’ll ask about your experience and how you’d handle different scenarios. 

Be ready to discuss your career goals. They’re also checking if you’ll fit well with the company culture. Ask thoughtful questions about the role and the company. This shows you’re serious about joining their team.

Common Concentric Advisors Interview Questions

Common Concentric Advisors Interview Questions

Concentric Advisors asks a mix of technical and behavioral questions. These questions help them understand your skills and personality. Being ready for both types is key to success. Let’s look at some common questions you might face.

Technical Questions

Technical questions test your knowledge of finance and investment banking. Here are some you might encounter:

  1. “Walk me through a DCF model.” Be ready to explain each step of a Discounted Cash Flow model. 

Start with projecting future cash flows, then discuss choosing a discount rate. Explain how you’d calculate the terminal value. Finally, show how you’d arrive at the present value. Be prepared to discuss sensitivity analysis and its importance.

  1. “How would you value a private company?” 

Discuss different methods like comparable company analysis and precedent transactions. Explain when you’d use each method. Mention challenges specific to private companies, like limited public information. Also, touch on adjustments you might make for lack of liquidity.

  1. “What’s the difference between enterprise value and equity value?”

Define both terms clearly. Explain that enterprise value includes debt while equity value doesn’t. Give an example of when you’d use each. Discuss how changes in capital structure can affect these values differently.

  1. “How do the three financial statements link together?” 

Start with the income statement feeding into the balance sheet and cash flow statement. Explain how net income affects retained earnings. Show how changes in working capital link the balance sheet and cash flow statement. Provide an example of how a business decision would impact all three statements.

  1. “What’s your view on the current M&A market in [specific industry]?” 

Show your industry knowledge. Discuss recent trends and major deals. Explain factors driving M&A activity in that industry. Include your thoughts on how economic conditions might affect future M&A activity in this sector.

Behavioral Questions

Behavioral questions help Concentric Advisors understand how you work and solve problems. They want to see if you’ll fit well with their team. Here are some common behavioral questions:

  1. “Tell me about a time you worked under pressure.” 

Choose a specific example. Explain the situation, the pressure you faced, and how you handled it. Focus on the positive outcome and what you learned. Discuss any strategies you’ve developed to manage stress in high-pressure situations.

  1. “How do you handle conflicts in a team?” 

Describe your approach to resolving conflicts. Use an example where you successfully mediated a disagreement. Emphasize communication and finding common ground. Mention how you’d prevent similar conflicts in the future.

  1. “Describe a time you had to influence someone’s decision.” 

Pick a situation where you used logic and persuasion. Explain your approach and why it was effective. Show that you can be diplomatic and convincing. Reflect on how this experience improved your leadership skills.

  1. “How do you prioritize tasks when everything seems urgent?”

Explain your method for organizing and prioritizing work. Discuss how you balance multiple deadlines. Give an example of a time you successfully managed competing priorities. Mention any tools or techniques you use to stay organized.

  1. “Tell me about a mistake you made and how you handled it.” 

Be honest about a real mistake. Focus on what you learned and how you fixed the situation. Show that you take responsibility and grow from challenges. Explain how this experience changed your approach to similar tasks in the future.

For all these questions, use the STAR method

Situation, Task, Action, Result. This helps you give clear, structured answers. Practice these questions beforehand, but don’t memorize answers word-for-word. Be ready to adapt your responses to fit the specific question asked.

Case Study or Modeling Test

Case Study or Modeling Test

Concentric Advisors often use case studies or modeling tests in their interviews. These tests show how you think and solve problems. Here’s what to expect:

Case Study

  • You’ll get a business problem to solve.
  • It might be about valuing a company or analyzing a merger.
  • Read the information carefully.
  • Ask questions if you need more details.
  • Explain your thinking as you work through the problem.
  • Give a clear recommendation at the end.

Modeling Test

  • You’ll build a financial model, usually in Excel.
  • It could be a simple cash flow projection or a more complex valuation model.
  • Show your Excel skills and financial knowledge.
  • Keep your model organized and easy to follow.
  • Be ready to explain each step of your model.

Tips for both

  • Practice with sample cases before the interview.
  • Stay calm and take your time.
  • It’s okay to ask for clarification.
  • Explain your assumptions clearly.

Behavioral Traits and Cultural Fit

Concentric Advisors look for specific traits in candidates. They want people who fit well with their team. Here are key traits they value:

  1. Work Ethic

Work Ethic is crucial at Concentric Advisors. They want to see that you’re ready to put in the effort required in investment banking. Be prepared to share examples of times you’ve gone above and beyond in your work or studies. Explain how you manage long hours and tight deadlines. Show that you’re motivated and can handle the demanding nature of the job.

  1. Integrity and Ethics

Integrity and Ethics are non-negotiable in finance. Concentric Advisors need people they can trust completely. In your interview, be honest in all your answers. Discuss a time when you faced an ethical dilemma and how you handled it. This shows you understand the importance of trust and ethical behavior in the financial industry.

  1. Teamwork

Teamwork is essential as most projects at Concentric Advisors involve collaboration. Share examples of successful team projects you’ve been part of. Explain how you handle conflicts within a team and your approach to ensuring everyone works well together. Show that you can both lead when needed and support others in a team setting.

  1. Attention to Detail

Attention to Detail can make or break deals in investment banking. Concentric Advisors will be looking for precision in your answers and work. Mention specific instances where your careful attention made a difference. Explain your process for checking work and catching errors. This trait is crucial in financial modeling and deal analysis.

  1. Intellectual Curiosity

Intellectual Curiosity sets great candidates apart. Concentric Advisors wants people who are eager to learn and grow. Show interest in learning new things about the company and the industry. Ask thoughtful questions during the interview. Discuss how you stay updated on industry trends and new developments in finance.

  1. Adaptability

Adaptability is key in the fast-paced world of investment banking. Concentric Advisors need people who can adjust quickly to new situations. Give examples of how you’ve adapted to changes in the past. Show that you’re comfortable with uncertainty and can learn new skills rapidly. This trait is especially important as markets and financial strategies evolve.


How do people usually move up at Concentric Advisors?

Most start as analysts. They can become associates after 2-3 years. Top performers may reach vice president or director roles. The path can lead to managing director for exceptional employees.

What are the work hours like? 

Investment banking is known for long hours. Expect to work 60-80 hours per week. Busy periods may require nights and weekends. The workload can be intense but varies by project.

What does the workplace feel like at Concentric Advisors? 

It’s fast-paced and challenging. Teamwork is important. The firm values hard work and smart thinking. There’s a focus on learning and growth. The environment is professional but can be competitive.

How do Concentric Advisors help employees learn and grow? 

They offer on-the-job training. There are also formal training programs. Employees can attend industry conferences. Mentorship from senior staff is common. They support professional certifications like the CFA.

What jobs do people often get after working at Concentric Advisors? 

Many go to private equity firms. Some join hedge funds or venture capital. Others become CFOs at companies. Some start their businesses. The skills learned are valued in many finance roles.


Succeeding in a Concentric Advisors interview requires thorough preparation and a well-rounded skill set. By mastering technical knowledge, honing your problem-solving abilities, and showcasing your attributes, you can stand out as a strong candidate. 

Remember to demonstrate your work ethic, integrity, teamwork skills, attention to detail, intellectual curiosity, and adaptability throughout the interview process. Practice common technical and behavioral questions and prepare for case studies. 

Be ready to engage in thoughtful discussions about the industry. With diligent preparation and confidence in your abilities, you’ll be well-positioned to impress the interviewers and launch an exciting career at Concentric Advisors.

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