Words that start with Letter A and end with A

Did you know there are hundreds of words in English that start and end with the letter A? These words range from short and common, like “area,” to long and rare, like “arachnophobia.” Many of these words are used in everyday language, while others are specialized terms used in science, medicine, or other fields.

This article lists words that begin and end with A. All of these words can be used in the popular word game Scrabble. Whether you’re a word enthusiast, a Scrabble player, or just curious about language, this list might surprise you with its variety.

The words are grouped by length, starting from two-letter words and going all the way up to fourteen-letter words. Some are familiar, like “arena” or “America,” while others might be new to you, like “ayahuasca” or “antependia.” Let’s explore this interesting group of A-to-A words!

2 letter words starting with A and ending with A

2 letter words starting with A and ending with A

There’s only one 2-letter word that starts with A and ends with A: “Aa.” It’s a type of rough, blocky lava. While rare in everyday speech, it’s a handy word for Scrabble players.

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3 letter words starting with Letter A and ending with A

When looking for a word that starts with A and ends with A, you’ll find eight 3-letter options. These include:

  • Aba (a loose-fitting sleeveless garment)
  • Aga (a Turkish military officer)
  • Aha (an exclamation of surprise)
  • Ala (a winglike structure)
  • Ama (a Japanese pearl diver)
  • Ana (a collection of information about someone)
  • Ava (a Persian weight measure)
  • Awa (away – in Scottish dialect)

4 letter words starting with A and ending with A

There are 4-letter words that start with Letter A and end with A. Some common examples of what starts with A and ends with A in this category are:

  • Area
  • Aqua
  • Aura
  • Anna

Less common words include “agma” (a nasal sound) and “amia” (a fish also known as bowfin).

5 letter words starting with A and ending with A

5 letter words starting with A and ending with A

The list of 5-letter words that start with A and end with A includes 35 words. Some familiar ones are:

  • Alpha
  • Aloha
  • Arena
  • Aroma

You’ll also find less common words like “abaya” (a full-length outer garment worn by some Muslim women) and “agora” (a marketplace in ancient Greece).

6 letter words starting with A and ending with A

There are 6-letter words that start and end with A. Some examples of what word starts with A and end with A in this group are:

  • Alaska
  • Agenda
  • Aurora
  • Azalea

This group also includes medical terms like “anemia” and “angina.”

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7 letter words starting with A and ending with A

The 7-letter category is the largest that start with A and end with Letter A. Some interesting examples are:

  • Antenna
  • America
  • Algebra
  • Amnesia

You’ll also find scientific terms like “amoeba” and cultural words like “ashrama” (a Hindu hermitage).

8 letter words starting with A and ending with A

There are 8-letter words in this category. Some notable ones include:

  • Anesthesia
  • Alopecia
  • Arugula
  • Anabaena (a genus of bacteria)

This group showcases the diversity of words that start and end with A, ranging from everyday terms to specialized vocabulary.

Whether you’re a word enthusiast, a Scrabble player, or just curious about language, these words that start with A and end with A offer a fascinating glimpse into the English language’s richness and variety.

9-letter words starting with A and ending with A

When looking for words that start with A and end with A, 9-letter words offer some interesting options. These include medical terms like “analgesia” (pain relief) and “anaplasia” (loss of cell structure). 

Nature lovers might recognize “araucaria,” a type of evergreen tree. For word enthusiasts wondering what starts with A and ends with A in this category, there’s “Apocrypha” (texts of questionable authorship) and “Andromeda” (a type of flowering plant).

10-letter words starting with A and ending with Letter A

Moving on to 10-letter words that start with A and end with A, we find several terms related to fears or medical conditions. “Acrophobia” (fear of heights) and “aerophobia” (fear of flying) are examples. 

Another word that starts with A and ends with A in this group is “anesthesia,” which you might hear at a hospital. For Spanish speakers, “aficionado” (a female enthusiast) might be familiar.

11-letter words starting with A and ending with A

For those asking, “What word starts with A and ends with A and has 11 letters?” there are some fascinating answers. “Abracadabra,” the famous magic word, falls into this category. 

Medical terms continue to appear, with “azoospermia” (lack of living sperm in semen) being an example. “Amphisbaena,” a mythical serpent with a head at each end, is another intriguing word that starts and ends with A.

These longer words showcase the diversity of terms that fit the pattern of starting and ending with A. From common words to specialized vocabulary, they demonstrate the richness of the English language and its borrowed words from other cultures.

Words that start with A and end with A: The Longest Examples

When we think of words that start with A and end with A, short words like “area” or “America” might come to mind first. But some impressively long words follow this pattern. Let’s look at the most extended examples:

12 letter words starting with A and ending with A

For those wondering “what word starts with a and ends with a” that’s really long, here are some 12-letter options:

  • Acciaccatura (a musical term for a very short grace note)
  • Achlorhydria (a medical condition where the stomach doesn’t produce enough acid)
  • Alstroemeria (a type of flower, also known as Peruvian lily)
  • Appoggiatura (another musical term for a type of ornamental note)
  • Armamentaria (the equipment and methods used in a profession)

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13 letter words starting with A and ending with A

Looking for even longer words that start and end with A? Here are the 13-letter examples:

  • Aminoaciduria (a medical term related to amino acids in urine)
  • Anisometropia (an eye condition where eyes have unequal refractive power)
  • Antepenultima (the third-to-last syllable in a word)
  • Antiguerrilla (opposing or combating guerrilla warfare)
  • Antimarijuana (against the use of marijuana)
  • Arachnophobia (an extreme fear of spiders)
  • Astrocytomata (plural of astrocytoma, a type of brain tumor)

14 letter words starting with A and ending with A

For those asking, “What starts with A and ends with A?” and is really long, here are the longest examples in our list:

  • Achondroplasia (a genetic disorder that causes dwarfism)
  • Adenocarcinoma (a type of cancerous tumor)
  • Archaebacteria (an old term for a group of single-celled organisms)

These long words that start with A and end with A are mostly scientific or medical terms. They show how diverse and specific language can be, especially in specialized fields. While you might use these words sparingly, they’re great examples of how flexible English can be in creating words that start and end with the same letter.


What starts with an A and ends with it? 

Many words start and end with A, ranging from short words like “area” to long words like “arachnophobia.” Some common examples include “America”, “agenda,” “arena,” and “algebra.”

What are 5-letter words that end with a? 

Some 5-letter words that start and end with A include alpha, aloha, arena, aroma, agora, asana, and axiom.

Can you spell a name that starts with a and ends with a? 

Yes, there are several names that start and end with A. Some examples are Anna, Ava, Asha, Alana, and Amelia.

What 7 letter words start and end with A? 

Some 7-letter words that start and end with A are America, antenna, algebra, amnesia, antenna, and amoeba.


Words that start and end with Letter A are a fascinating subset of the English language. They range from common, everyday terms to specialized vocabulary in fields like science and medicine. 

This diverse group of words showcases the flexibility and richness of English, incorporating terms from various origins and disciplines. Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a Scrabble player, or simply curious about words, exploring these A-to-A words can be both fun and educational.

 They remind us of the endless possibilities in language and how a simple pattern like starting and ending with the same letter can connect words across different lengths, meanings, and origins.

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